ObjL THANKS Thanks goes out to: - Roberto Ierusalimschy, for writing PIL - Roberto Ierusalimschy, LHF, and Waldemar Celes, for creating Lua - Rici, who helped me understand the beauty of string.gsub() - Keffo, for angering me enough with his detrimental comments that I actually stuck to it - The creators of Objective C and the Objective C wikipedia article, for inspiring me to create something like this - The creators of LuaSocket, and of LuaCheia (who packaged it nicely) - The creators of the RedBull, RockStar, Monster, AMP, and MDX energy drinks - The creators of Lunar Linux, without which I would still be using crappy distros ;-) - IBM, for creating the Thinkpad, the only laptop I'll ever truly enjoy using (John Ohno)