14 August, 2006: - Added examples - Changed ObjL_Object:recieve() to ObjL_Object:receive() in comm.lua - Fixed calls to said method - Fixed gsub patterns in line 78 of comm.lua - Made those values that should be local into local variables in comm.lua, et al - Cleaned up conveluted ~= statements to use ~= in comm.lua, et al - Added 5.1 package compatibility (creates module ObjLua) - Fixed ObjL.serialize(), ObjL.unserialize(), and ObjL_Object.receive() in doc/api.txt - Added installer for POSIX systems - Added README, LICENSE, and INSTALL files - Added a copy of the LGPL (LGPL.txt) - Released version 0.01beta - Added doc/objects.txt (tutorial and cheatsheat on objects) - Added ObjL.makethread() - Added ObjL.help() - Fixed extra arg passing in the function generated by ObjL_Object:forward() - Added metamethods to ObjL_Object -- __newindex(), __add(), __sub(), __mul(), __unm(), __concat() - Made ObjL.serialize() serialize all types (though somewhat unreliably) - Made metamethod __newindex() save dumpables of all functions - Added src/ directory with experimental standalone interpreter 15 August, 2006 - Fixed saving of lightuserdata in ObjL.serialize() - Added object-based serialize method: ObjL_Object:serialize() - Fixed functionsave-based memory leak possibility in object's __newindex() metamethod - Added capacity for differentiating between local message and remote message in ObjL_Object:forward() - Added __tostring() metamethod to object, making it call ObjL.serialize() - Added AUTHORS file - Added THANKS file - Released version 0.02alpha 19 August, 2006 - Removed src/* -- too big for something that doesn't work. - Commented out the src/ bit of install.sh - Created tools/ - Created tools/autogen_docs.lua and tools/autogen_loader.lua - Created TODO - Created doc/objl_c_interface.txt - Created doc/README - Created src/objl_misc.h - Created doc/capi_helpers.txt - Edited doc/objl_c_interface.txt to reference capi_helpers.txt - Edited doc/README to reference to doc/capi_helpers.txt - Edited README to list directories and their content. - Made install.sh install the headers in src/ to /usr/include/ObjL/ - Released version 0.03alpha 20 August, 2006 - Added src/ObjL.c (standalone wrapper) - Added src/build.sh and src/clean.sh - Set install.sh to build and install standalone wrapper - Fixed require statements in lib/ObjL.lua - Commented out require in lib/obj.lua - Renamed lib/obj.lua to lib/objl_obj.lua and lib/comm.lua to lib/objl_comm.lua - Fixed __newindex() metamethod in objl_obj.lua to not call itself - Released version 0.03beta - Added test/ - Added test/objtest.lua - Prepended "return " to the string /o/ passed to loadstring() in ObjL.unserialize() 21 August, 2006 - Fixed error in test/objtest.lua - Changed src/ObjL.c to src/ObjL.cpp , set it to concatenate std::string objects instead of c strings, and changed the gcc in build.sh to g++ - Added the test routines to install.sh - Made examples/robinhood.lua use the ObjL standalone wrapper as an interpreter - Made lib/objl_obj.lua initialise ObjL_Object.forwards - Made examples/robinhood.lua run ObjL.makethread() on the initializing function instead of just running it. - Changed examples/robinhood.lua from network-based forwarding to local forwarding - Prepended all calls to member functions from inside said member with "self:" in examples/robinhood.lua - Added nil arguments to forward() calls in examples/robinhood.lua - Released 0.03beta2 22 August, 2006 - Fixed local forwarding code in lib/objl_comm.lua to wrap the function instead of setting it. - Made ObjL_Object.forward() receive asynchronously to better support the Actor model - Added doc/actor.txt - Added reference to doc/actor.txt to doc/README - Added slicing to ObjL_Object metamethods __index() and __newindex() - Added __call() metamethod to ObjL_Object for slicing purposes - Added doc/slicing.txt - Added test/arraytest.lua - Referred to test/ in README - Released 0.04alpha 23 August, 2006 - Fixed ObjL_Object.recieve() to work on non-function variables and to do assignments - Created ObjL_Object.forwardvar() for virtual shared memory via forwarding - Made default values for ObjL_Object.forward() params /port/ and /address/ - Added forwardvar() to doc/api.txt and to ObjL.help() - Added mention of forwardvar() to doc/actor.txt - Fixed calling method in ObjL_Object metamethod __call() - Added transparent support for forwarded variables in ObjL_Object metamethods __index() and __newindex() - Fixed obiwan indexing error in slice code - Made code in test/arraytest.lua compatible with above fix - Made install.sh run all tests - Made tools/makedist.sh for making distributions of ObjL - Released 0.05alpha