LuaTask 1.6.4 - "Multitasking" support Library ---------------------------------------------- THE IDEA: --------- LuaTask implements a concurrent and independent Lua execution environment model. We choose the "task" name to avoid confusion with "lua threads". The program calling luaopen_task() becomes the "main" task. Each "task" started by the main one ( by calling task.create()), has an independent lua state, own message queue and execution os thread. Each task is represented by a number starting at 1 ( 1 is the main task). The internal task list grows as it is necessary. Currently there is no list size limit. WIN32 THREADS ------------- The first implementation ( and the current one selected with NATV_WIN32) called the Win32 APIs direct from syncos.c and doesn't support cancel. When I tried to implement the cancel method and after looking for alternatives to the infame TerminateThread, I decided to use as an option the Pthreads-Win32 library. Pthreads-Win32 library (2.7.0) implements thread cancellation with and without QueueUserAPCEx. QueueUserAPCEx (by Panagiotis E. Hadjidoukas) is used for true async cancelation of threads (including blocked threads). DOCUMENTATION ------------- Inside the doc directory you can find a manual and a reference guide. AUTHORS: -------- LuaTask have been developed by Daniel Quintela.