return "
local function Ltag (t)
if t then
return ""
local function Ltagaux ()
local s = Llink
local space = lpeg.P (" ") + lpeg.P ("\t") + lpeg.P ("\n") + lpeg.P ("\f") + lpeg.P ("\r")
--this match succeeds if the L tag contains an absolute url
local html = lpeg.match (lpeg.C (lpeg.R ("AZ", "az", "09")^1 * ":" * (1 - (lpeg.P (":") + space)) * (1 - space)^0) * -1, s)
if html then
return html .. "\">" .. html
--it is not an absolute url
--now, it will try to match each possible part of a L code
--the text part
local x = string.find (s, "|")
local text = nil
if x then
text = string.sub (s, 1, x - 1)
x = 0
--the name part
local y = string.find (s, "/", x + 1)
local name = nil
if y == nil then
name = string.sub (s, x + 1)
name = string.sub (s, x + 1, y - 1)
--the section part
local section = nil
if y then
section = string.sub (s, y + 1)
if section == nil and text == nil and string.find (name, "\"") then
section = name
name = ""
if section then
section = string.gsub (section, "\"", "")
if text == nil or text == "" then
if section then
text = section
text = name
text = parsing (text, 1, 1, " ", nil)
if section then
section = string.gsub (section, " ", "_")
local res = ""
if name ~= "" then
res = baseURL .. name
if section then
res = res .. "#" .. section
else --it is a link to the current page
res = "#" .. section
res = res .. "\">" .. text
return res
local function Etag (t)
if t then
return "&"
return ";"
local function Ftag (t)
if t then
return ""
return ""
local function Xtag (t)
return " "
local function Ztag (t)
return " "
local function Stag (t)
return " "
--this table contains the functions that should treat each formatting code
--the functions are currently receiving a boolean parameter, when it is true it indicates
--the beginning of the formatting code, when it false it indicates the ending of the
--formatting code
local tags = {
["I"] = Itag,
["B"] = Btag,
["C"] = Ctag,
["L"] = Ltag,
["E"] = Etag,
["F"] = Ftag,
--these functions below don't do anything useful currently
["X"] = Xtag,
["Z"] = Ztag,
["S"] = Stag
local function commentFormatCode (t)
if t then
return ""
--This table represents the functions that should treat
--"=begin =end" regions
local formatCode = {
["comment"] = commentFormatCode
local function initFormatTable ()
formatTable = {}
local function insertFormatTable (initCode)
formatTable[#formatTable + 1] = { l = string.sub (initCode, 1, 1), code = string.sub (initCode, 2) }
parsing = function (s, initPos, endPos, res, lastPos, x1, y1, x2, y2, insideLCode)
--what tag (an opening tag or a closing one) was consumed in the previous execution,
--so we need to find a new one
if lastPos == "init" then
x1, y1 = string.find (s, "%a<+", initPos)
elseif lastPos == "end" then
x2, y2 = string.find (s, ">+", endPos)
x1, y1 = string.find (s, "%a<+", initPos)
x2, y2 = string.find (s, ">+", endPos)
--closes unmatched tags
if x2 == nil then
res = res .. string.sub (s, math.max (initPos, endPos))
for i, v in ipairs (formatTable) do
if v.l == "L" then
res = res .. "\">" .. tags[v.l] (false)
res = res .. tags[v.l] (false)
return string.sub (res, 2)
if x1 == nil or x2 < x1 then -- next is ">"
local e = formatTable [#formatTable]
--changes ">" to "<" to compare with the starting formatting code
local tmp = string.gsub (string.sub (s, x2, y2), ">", "<")
if e ~= nil and e.code == tmp then
table.remove (formatTable)
if e.l == "L" then
Llink = Llink .. string.sub (s, math.max (initPos, endPos), x2 -1)
local tmp = Ltagaux (tmp)
res = res .. tmp .. tags[e.l] (false)
insideLCode = false
if insideLCode then
Llink = Llink .. string.sub (s, math.max (initPos, endPos), x2 - 1)
Llink = Llink .. string.sub (s, x2, y2)
res = res .. string.sub (s, math.max (initPos, endPos), x2 - 1)
res = res .. tags[e.l] (false)
--it is not the end of a formatting code, let's put the text just it is
res = res .. string.sub (s, math.max (initPos, endPos), y2)
return parsing (s, initPos, y2 + 1, res, "end", x1, y1, x2, y2, insideLCode)
else -- next is "<"
if insideLCode then
Llink = Llink .. string.sub (s, math.max (initPos, endPos), x1 - 1)
res = res .. string.sub (s, math.max (initPos, endPos), x1 - 1)
insertFormatTable (string.sub (s, x1, y1))
local l = string.sub (s, x1, x1)
if tags[l] == nil then
print ("Error: invalid formatting code!", string.sub (s, x1, y1))
return nil
if insideLCode then
Llink = Llink .. string.sub (s, x1, y1)
res = res .. tags[l] (true)
if l == "L" then
insideLCode = true
Llink = ""
return parsing (s, y1 + 1, endPos, res, "init", x1, y1, x2, y2, insideLCode)
local function showNewline ()
out:write ("\n")
local function start ()
if not embedded then
out:write (doctype)
out:write ("\n\n")
out:write ("\n")
out:write (encoding)
out:write ("") display (s) out:write ("
") end --The type of =over back regin can only be determined after the first --paragraph after the =over command. firstItem it is used to indicate --if first paragraph is the first one local firstItem = nil --Keeps what is the kind of item that should be used --in an "=over =back" region local itemType = { } local function over () firstItem = true end local function overIdent (s) firstItem = true end local function item () end local function back () --should not have the "" around false, I need to test this firstItem = false if itemType [#itemType] == "dl" then out:write ("") end out:write ("" .. itemType [#itemType] .. ">") table.remove (itemType) end local function verbatim (s) out:write ("") out:write (s) out:write ("") end local function bareItem () if firstItem then out:write ("
") table.insert (itemType, "blockquote") firstItem = false end local function startBegin (s) isFormatting [#isFormatting + 1] = false formatNames [#formatNames + 1] = s if formatCode [s] ~= nil then out:write (formatCode [s] (true)) end currentData = { } end local function endBegin (s) if formatNames[#formatNames] ~= s then print ("Error: different format names") else table.remove (formatNames) table.remove (isFormatting) if formatCode [s] ~= nil then out:write (formatCode [s] (false)) end end end local function beginFor (s) isFormatting [#isFormatting + 1] = false currentFor = s if formatCode [s] ~= nil then out:write (formatCode [s] (true)) end currentData = { } end local function endFor () table.remove (isFormatting) local t = table.concat (currentData, "\n") out:write (t) if formatCode [currentFor] ~= nil then out:write (formatCode [currentFor] (false)) end showNewline () end local function dataParagraph (s) currentData [#currentData + 1] = s end local function showData () out:write (table.remove (currentData)) end local function beginForWithColon (s) currentFor = s if formatCode [s] ~= nil then out:write (formatCode [s] (true)) end out:write ("") isFormatting [#isFormatting + 1] = true currentData = { } end local function endForWithColon () local s = table.concat (currentData, "\n") display (s) out:write ("
") if formatCode [currentFor] ~= nil then out:write (formatCode [currentFor] (false)) end showNewline () table.remove (isFormatting) end local function startBeginWithColon (s) if formatCode [s] ~= nil then out:write (formatCode [s] (true)) end formatNames [#formatNames + 1] = s isFormatting [#isFormatting + 1] = true end local function endBeginWithColon (s) if formatNames[#formatNames] ~= s then print ("Error: different format names") else table.remove (formatNames) table.remove (isFormatting) if formatCode [s] ~= nil then out:write (formatCode [s] (false)) end end end local V = lpeg.V local G = lpeg.P { "S"; ["S"] = (1 - cmdPod)^0 * (cmdPod / start) * V ("SPACE")^0 * V ("NEWLINE") * V ("BLANKLINE")^0 / showNewline * V ("BODY"), ["BODY"] = V ("Z") + ((V ("COMMAND") + V ("VERBATIM") + V ("ORDINARY")) * V ("BODY")), ["COMMAND"] = V ("H1") + V ("H2") + V ("H3") + V ("H4") + V ("OVER") + V ("CMDBEGIN") + V ("CMDFOR"), ["VERBATIM"] = #V ("INITVERBATIM") * (lpeg.C ((1 - V ("ENDPARAGRAPH"))^1) / verbatim) * V ("ENDPARAGRAPH") / showNewline, ["ORDINARY"] = #V ("INITORDINARY") * (lpeg.C ((1 - V ("ENDPARAGRAPH"))^1) / ordinary) * V ("ENDPARAGRAPH") / showNewline, ["H1"] = (cmdHead1 / h1) * V ("HEAD"), ["H2"] = (cmdHead2 / h2) * V ("HEAD"), ["H3"] = (cmdHead3 / h3) * V ("HEAD"), ["H4"] = (cmdHead4 / h4) * V ("HEAD"), ["HEAD"] = V ("SPACE") * lpeg.C (V ("ATTR") / headName) * V ("ENDPARAGRAPH") / showNewline, ["OVER"] = (cmdOver / over) * V ("SPACE")^0 * lpeg.C (V ("IDENTLEVEL")^-1) / overIdent * V ("SPACE")^0 * V ("ENDPARAGRAPH") / showNewline * V ("ITEM"), ["ITEM"] = V ("INOTAG") + (V ("ITAG1") * V ("ITEM1")) + (V ("ITAG2") * V ("ITEM2")) + (V ("ITAG3") * V ("ITEM3")), ["ITEM1"] = V ("ENDOVER") + ((V ("ITAG1") + V ("ITEMCOMMON")) * V ("ITEM1")), ["ITEM2"] = V ("ENDOVER") + ((V ("ITAG2") + V ("ITEMCOMMON")) * V ("ITEM2")), ["ITEM3"] = V ("ENDOVER") + ((V ("ITAG3") + V ("ITEMCOMMON")) * V ("ITEM3")), ["ITEMCOMMON"] = (V ("OVER") + V ("CMDBEGIN") + V ("CMDFOR") + V ("IPARAGRAPH")), ["NOITEM"] = V ("ENDOVER") + (V ("ITEMCOMMON") * V ("NOITEM")), ["ITAG1"] = (cmdItem / item) * ((V ("SPACE")^0 * V ("NEWLINE") / showNewline * V ("BLANKLINE")^0) + (V ("SPACE")^1 * "*" * V ("SPACE")^0 * V ("NEWLINE") * V ("BLANKLINE")^0)) / bareItem, ["ITAG2"] = ((cmdItem / item) * V ("SPACE")^1 * (lpeg.C (V ("NUMBER") * lpeg.P(".")^-1) / itemNumber) * V ("SPACE")^0 * V ("NEWLINE") / showNewline * V ("BLANKLINE")^0), ["ITAG3"] = ((cmdItem / item) * (V ("SPACE")^1 * (lpeg.C ((1 - V ("ENDPARAGRAPH"))^1) / itemText) * V ("ENDPARAGRAPH") / showNewline)), ["INOTAG"] = #(-cmdItem) / noItem * V ("NOITEM"), ["IPARAGRAPH"] = V ("VERBATIM") + V ("ORDINARY"), ["ENDOVER"] = (((cmdBack * V ("SPACE")^0 * V ("ENDPARAGRAPH") / showNewline) + lpeg.P (-1)) / back), --(TODO) put an option when does not close over ["CMDBEGIN"] = cmdBegin * V ("SPACE")^1 * (V ("BEGINWITHCOLON") + V ("BEGINWITHOUTCOLON")), ["BEGINWITHOUTCOLON"] = (lpeg.C (V ("FORMATNAME")) / startBegin) * V ("SPACE")^0 * V ("ENDPARAGRAPH") / showNewline * V ("BEGINBODY"), ["BEGINWITHCOLON"] = ":" * (lpeg.C (V ("FORMATNAME")) / startBeginWithColon) * V ("SPACE")^0 * V ("ENDPARAGRAPH") /showNewline * V ("BEGINBODYCOLON"), ["BEGINBODY"] = V ("CMDEND") + ((V ("CMDBEGIN") + (V ("DATA") / showData * V ("NEWLINE") / showNewline * V ("BLANKLINE")^0)) * V ("BEGINBODY")), ["BEGINBODYCOLON"] = V ("CMDENDCOLON") + ((V ("COMMAND") + V ("VERBATIM") + V ("ORDINARY")) * V ("BEGINBODYCOLON")), ["DATA"] = lpeg.C ((lpeg.P (1 - V ("NEWLINE"))^1) / dataParagraph), ["CMDEND"] = cmdEnd * V ("SPACE")^1 * (lpeg.C (V ("FORMATNAME")) / endBegin) * V ("SPACE")^0 * V ("ENDPARAGRAPH") / showNewline, ["CMDENDCOLON"] = cmdEnd * V ("SPACE")^1 * ":" * (lpeg.C (V ("FORMATNAME")) / endBeginWithColon) * V ("SPACE")^0 * V ("ENDPARAGRAPH") / showNewline, ["CMDFOR"] = cmdFor * V ("SPACE")^1 * (V ("FORWITHCOLON") + V ("FORWITHOUTCOLON")), ["FORWITHCOLON"] = ":" * (lpeg.C (V ("FORMATNAME")) / beginForWithColon) * V ("SPACE")^0 * V ("FORBODYCOLON"), ["FORWITHOUTCOLON"] = (lpeg.C (V ("FORMATNAME")) / beginFor) * V ("SPACE")^0 * V ("NEWLINE")^-1 * V ("FORBODY"), ["FORBODY"] = (V ("NEWLINE") * V ("BLANKLINE")^0/ endFor) + (V ("DATA") * V ("NEWLINE") * V ("FORBODY")), ["FORBODYCOLON"] = V ("ENDPARAGRAPH") / endForWithColon + (V ("NEWLINE")^-1 * V ("DATA") * V ("FORBODYCOLON")), ["Z"] = (cmdCut + ((V ("NEWLINE") + V ("SPACE"))^0 * lpeg.P (-1))) / finish, --these rules could be defined outside the grammar too ["SPACE"] = lpeg.S (" \t"), ["NEWLINE"] = lpeg.P"\13" + lpeg.P"\10" + (lpeg.P"\13" * lpeg.P"\10"), ["BLANKLINE"] = V ("SPACE")^0 * V ("NEWLINE"), ["ENDPARAGRAPH"] = V ("NEWLINE") * V ("BLANKLINE")^1, ["ATTR"] = lpeg.P (1 - V ("ENDPARAGRAPH"))^0, ["DIGIT"] = lpeg.R ("09"), ["NUMBER"] = V ("DIGIT")^1, ["INITORDINARY"] = (1 - (lpeg.P ("=") + V ("SPACE"))), ["INITVERBATIM"] = V ("SPACE"), --this rule could be used to identify if the tag of an item is really a text, but the manual does not obligate to verify this, --what implies that it is possible to have tags as "=item 4" and "=item ball" inside the same "=over" section --["INITTEXT"] = (lpeg.P ("*") * V ("SPACE")^0 * V ("NEWLINE")) + (V ("NUMBER") * lpeg.P (".")^-1 * V ("SPACE")^0 * V ("NEWLINE")), ["FORMATNAME"] = (lpeg.R ("az", "AZ", "09") + lpeg.S ("_-")) ^1, ["IDENTLEVEL"] = (V ("DIGIT")^0 * lpeg.P ("."))^-1 * V ("DIGIT")^1 } function parser (input, url, emb, output) local file = io.input (input) local s = file:read ("*all") local name = output if name == nil then name = string.sub (input, 1, (string.find (input, "%."))) if string.sub (name, #name, #name) ~= "." then name = name .. "." end name = name .. "html" end fileTitle = name embedded = emb out = io.output (name) if url then baseURL = url end lpeg.match (G, s) out:close () end local Buffer = {s = " "} function Buffer:new (obj) obj = obj or {} setmetatable(obj, self) self.__index = self return obj end function Buffer:write (text) self.s = self.s .. text return self.s end function Buffer:read () return self.s end function parserToBuffer (text, url, emb) out = Buffer:new () if url then baseURL = url end fileTitle = "" embedded = emb lpeg.match (G, text) return out:read () end