LuaContractor ------------- (C) 2007 by Frederic Peschanski (see COPYRIGHT file) OVERVIEW -------- LuaContractor is a lightweight Design by Contract (DbC) framework for the Lua scripting language. It allows to transform standard Lua functions and tables to self-testing equivalents. Contracts can be added/removed in a totally transparent way. There are two forms of LuaContractor contracts: - Contracts for functions, surrounded by precondition and postconditions wrappers - Contracts for tables, whose consistency is checked by invariants Design by contract is about implementing (and well, not really designing) software with (at least some) correctness and robustness in mind. One may ask why Lua programmers, mostly interested by scripting issues, would consider correctness and robustness ? Well, I have a few possible answers (pick one or none): - buggy scripts can be *really* harmful - Lua scripts sometimes tend toward real-worl heavyweight software - LuaContractor adopts an incremental approach, you may keep the functions/tables and contracts totally separated. And contracts may be removed at any time. But writing good contracts is like writing good tests (IMHO contracts are embedded tests, not really more than that)... not a trivial task. If compared to unit testing, DbC is complementary in that writing good contracts helps at writing good tests. A key advantage of DbC is that the tests are embedded in the production code: this is self-testing code working on the real data... It also allows to write tests at a higher level of abstraction since the lower-level tests are embedded by contracts. This is a must for integration purposes. But of course the software should be tested before being put into production... The LuaContractor library heavily exploits the metatables and functions-as-closures features of Lua, so its (probably perfectible) implementation may also be interesting for Lua learners (welcome to the club !). INSTALLATION ------------ There is no installation procedure per-se. The only "difficult" part is in uncompressing the archive, which may look like the following one any Linux/Unix/Mingw/Cygwin/MacOSX environment: > tar xvzf LuaContractor-.tar.gz To check the library, you can try the (few) provided examples: > source ./ > lua examples/Counter.lua ... > lua examples/BankAccount.lua ... > (etc.) The examples Counter.lua and BankAccount.lua are heavily commented and describe the whole set of features of LuaContractor. CONTENTS -------- LuaContractor-/ : main directory README : this file HISTORY : the history of versions COPYRIGHT : our rights (and few duties) VERSION : the current version lib/ : the library file(s) lib/contractor.lua : the main LuaContractor module examples/ : largely commented examples : to test LuaContractor (see INSTALLATION just above) USAGE ----- LuaContractor is a one-file Lua module (the contractor.lua source file consisting of less than 300 hundred lines with coments) , so the basic usage is simple: 1) add the location of the LuaContractor.lua file to the LUA_PATH environment variable 2) put require "contractor" in your Lua files 3) enjoy ! (well, sort of) I recommand to skim over the examples, and read the documentation on the project page (if me or someone else writes a fuller documentation at some point). CONTACT ------- Please use the project page on LuaForge LINKS ----- - LuaContractor home page: - Lua home page: - LuaForge projects: - Abount Design by Contract (wikipedia): - Personal home page: