@rem Script to build Lua BitOp with MSVC. @rem First change the paths to your Lua installation below. @rem Then open a "Visual Studio .NET Command Prompt", cd to this directory @rem and run this script. Afterwards copy the resulting bit.dll to @rem the directory where lua.exe is installed. @if not defined INCLUDE goto :FAIL @setlocal @rem Path to the Lua includes and the library file for the Lua DLL: @set LUA_INC=-I .. @set LUA_LIB=..\lua51.lib @set MYCOMPILE=cl /nologo /MD /O2 /W3 /c %LUA_INC% @set MYLINK=link /nologo @set MYMT=mt /nologo %MYCOMPILE% bit.c %MYLINK% /DLL /export:luaopen_bit /out:bit.dll bit.obj %LUA_LIB% if exist bit.dll.manifest^ %MYMT% -manifest bit.dll.manifest -outputresource:bit.dll;2 del *.obj *.exp *.manifest @goto :END :FAIL @echo You must open a "Visual Studio .NET Command Prompt" to run this script :END