local M = { _NAME = "uri", VERSION = "1.0" } M.__index = M local Util = require "uri._util" local _UNRESERVED = "A-Za-z0-9%-._~" local _GEN_DELIMS = ":/?#%[%]@" local _SUB_DELIMS = "!$&'()*+,;=" local _RESERVED = _GEN_DELIMS .. _SUB_DELIMS local _USERINFO = "^[" .. _UNRESERVED .. "%%" .. _SUB_DELIMS .. ":]*$" local _REG_NAME = "^[" .. _UNRESERVED .. "%%" .. _SUB_DELIMS .. "]*$" local _IP_FUTURE_LITERAL = "^v[0-9A-Fa-f]+%." .. "[" .. _UNRESERVED .. _SUB_DELIMS .. "]+$" local _QUERY_OR_FRAG = "^[" .. _UNRESERVED .. "%%" .. _SUB_DELIMS .. ":@/?]*$" local _PATH_CHARS = "^[" .. _UNRESERVED .. "%%" .. _SUB_DELIMS .. ":@/]*$" local function _normalize_percent_encoding (s) if s:find("%%$") or s:find("%%.$") then error("unfinished percent encoding at end of URI '" .. s .. "'") end return s:gsub("%%(..)", function (hex) if not hex:find("^[0-9A-Fa-f][0-9A-Fa-f]$") then error("invalid percent encoding '%" .. hex .. "' in URI '" .. s .. "'") end -- Never percent-encode unreserved characters, and always use uppercase -- hexadecimal for percent encoding. RFC 3986 section local char = string.char(tonumber("0x" .. hex)) return char:find("^[" .. _UNRESERVED .. "]") and char or "%" .. hex:upper() end) end local function _is_ip4_literal (s) if not s:find("^[0-9]+%.[0-9]+%.[0-9]+%.[0-9]+$") then return false end for dec_octet in s:gmatch("[0-9]+") do if dec_octet:len() > 3 or dec_octet:find("^0.") or tonumber(dec_octet) > 255 then return false end end return true end local function _is_ip6_literal (s) local had_elipsis = false -- true when '::' found local num_chunks = 0 while s ~= "" do num_chunks = num_chunks + 1 local p1, p2 = s:find("::?") local chunk if p1 then chunk = s:sub(1, p1 - 1) s = s:sub(p2 + 1) if p2 ~= p1 then -- found '::' if had_elipsis then return false end -- two of '::' had_elipsis = true if chunk == "" then num_chunks = num_chunks - 1 end else if chunk == "" then return false end -- ':' at start if s == "" then return false end -- ':' at end end else chunk = s s = "" end -- Chunk is neither 4-digit hex num, nor IPv4address in last chunk. if (not chunk:find("^[0-9a-f]+$") or chunk:len() > 4) and (s ~= "" or not _is_ip4_literal(chunk)) and chunk ~= "" then return false end -- IPv4address in last position counts for two chunks of hex digits. if chunk:len() > 4 then num_chunks = num_chunks + 1 end end if had_elipsis then if num_chunks > 7 then return false end else if num_chunks ~= 8 then return false end end return true end local function _is_valid_host (host) if host:find("^%[.*%]$") then local ip_literal = host:sub(2, -2) if ip_literal:find("^v") then if not ip_literal:find(_IP_FUTURE_LITERAL) then return "invalid IPvFuture literal '" .. ip_literal .. "'" end else if not _is_ip6_literal(ip_literal) then return "invalid IPv6 address '" .. ip_literal .. "'" end end elseif not _is_ip4_literal(host) and not host:find(_REG_NAME) then return "invalid host value '" .. host .. "'" end return nil end local function _normalize_and_check_path (s, normalize) if not s:find(_PATH_CHARS) then return false end if not normalize then return s end -- Remove unnecessary percent encoding for path values. -- TODO - I think this should be HTTP-specific (probably file also). --s = Util.uri_decode(s, _SUB_DELIMS .. ":@") return Util.remove_dot_segments(s) end function M.new (class, uri, base) if not uri then error("usage: URI:new(uristring, [baseuri])") end if type(uri) ~= "string" then uri = tostring(uri) end if base then local uri, err = M.new(class, uri) if not uri then return nil, err end if type(base) ~= "table" then base, err = M.new(class, base) if not base then return nil, "error parsing base URI: " .. err end end if base:is_relative() then return nil, "base URI must be absolute" end local ok, err = pcall(uri.resolve, uri, base) if not ok then return nil, err end return uri end local s = _normalize_percent_encoding(uri) local _, p local scheme, authority, userinfo, host, port, path, query, fragment _, p, scheme = s:find("^([a-zA-Z][-+.a-zA-Z0-9]*):") if scheme then scheme = scheme:lower() s = s:sub(p + 1) end _, p, authority = s:find("^//([^/?#]*)") if authority then s = s:sub(p + 1) _, p, userinfo = authority:find("^([^@]*)@") if userinfo then if not userinfo:find(_USERINFO) then return nil, "invalid userinfo value '" .. userinfo .. "'" end authority = authority:sub(p + 1) end p, _, port = authority:find(":([0-9]*)$") if port then port = (port ~= "") and tonumber(port) or nil authority = authority:sub(1, p - 1) end host = authority:lower() local err = _is_valid_host(host) if err then return nil, err end end _, p, path = s:find("^([^?#]*)") if path ~= "" then local normpath = _normalize_and_check_path(path, scheme) if not normpath then return nil, "invalid path '" .. path .. "'" end path = normpath s = s:sub(p + 1) end _, p, query = s:find("^%?([^#]*)") if query then s = s:sub(p + 1) if not query:find(_QUERY_OR_FRAG) then return nil, "invalid query value '?" .. query .. "'" end end _, p, fragment = s:find("^#(.*)") if fragment then if not fragment:find(_QUERY_OR_FRAG) then return nil, "invalid fragment value '#" .. fragment .. "'" end end local o = { _scheme = scheme, _userinfo = userinfo, _host = host, _port = port, _path = path, _query = query, _fragment = fragment, } setmetatable(o, scheme and class or (require "uri._relative")) return o:init() end function M.uri (self, ...) local uri = self._uri if not uri then local scheme = self:scheme() if scheme then uri = scheme .. ":" else uri = "" end local host, port, userinfo = self:host(), self._port, self:userinfo() if host or port or userinfo then uri = uri .. "//" if userinfo then uri = uri .. userinfo .. "@" end if host then uri = uri .. host end if port then uri = uri .. ":" .. port end end local path = self:path() if uri == "" and path:find("^[^/]*:") then path = "./" .. path end uri = uri .. path if self:query() then uri = uri .. "?" .. self:query() end if self:fragment() then uri = uri .. "#" .. self:fragment() end self._uri = uri -- cache end if select("#", ...) > 0 then local new = ... if not new then error("URI can't be set to nil") end local newuri, err = M:new(new) if not newuri then error("new URI string is invalid (" .. err .. ")") end setmetatable(self, getmetatable(newuri)) for k in pairs(self) do self[k] = nil end for k, v in pairs(newuri) do self[k] = v end end return uri end function M.__tostring (self) return self:uri() end function M.eq (a, b) if type(a) == "string" then a = assert(M:new(a)) end if type(b) == "string" then b = assert(M:new(b)) end return a:uri() == b:uri() end function M.scheme (self, ...) local old = self._scheme if select("#", ...) > 0 then local new = ... if not new then error("can't remove scheme from absolute URI") end if type(new) ~= "string" then new = tostring(new) end if not new:find("^[a-zA-Z][-+.a-zA-Z0-9]*$") then error("invalid scheme '" .. new .. "'") end Util.do_class_changing_change(self, M, "scheme", new, function (uri, new) uri._scheme = new end) end return old end function M.userinfo (self, ...) local old = self._userinfo if select("#", ...) > 0 then local new = ... if new then if not new:find(_USERINFO) then error("invalid userinfo value '" .. new .. "'") end new = _normalize_percent_encoding(new) end self._userinfo = new if new and not self._host then self._host = "" end self._uri = nil end return old end function M.host (self, ...) local old = self._host if select("#", ...) > 0 then local new = ... if new then new = tostring(new):lower() local err = _is_valid_host(new) if err then error(err) end else if self._userinfo or self._port then error("there must be a host if there is a userinfo or port," .. " although it can be the empty string") end end self._host = new self._uri = nil end return old end function M.port (self, ...) local old = self._port or self:default_port() if select("#", ...) > 0 then local new = ... if new then if type(new) == "string" then new = tonumber(new) end if new < 0 then error("port number must not be negative") end local newint = new - new % 1 if newint ~= new then error("port number not integer") end if new == self:default_port() then new = nil end end self._port = new if new and not self._host then self._host = "" end self._uri = nil end return old end function M.path (self, ...) local old = self._path if select("#", ...) > 0 then local new = ... or "" new = _normalize_percent_encoding(new) new = Util.uri_encode(new, "^A-Za-z0-9%-._~%%!$&'()*+,;=:@/") if self._host then if new ~= "" and not new:find("^/") then error("path must begin with '/' when there is an authority") end else if new:find("^//") then new = "/%2F" .. new:sub(3) end end self._path = new self._uri = nil end return old end function M.query (self, ...) local old = self._query if select("#", ...) > 0 then local new = ... if new then new = Util.uri_encode(new, "^" .. _UNRESERVED .. "%%" .. _SUB_DELIMS .. ":@/?") end self._query = new self._uri = nil end return old end function M.fragment (self, ...) local old = self._fragment if select("#", ...) > 0 then local new = ... if new then new = Util.uri_encode(new, "^" .. _UNRESERVED .. "%%" .. _SUB_DELIMS .. ":@/?") end self._fragment = new self._uri = nil end return old end function M.init (self) local scheme_class = Util.attempt_require("uri." .. self._scheme:gsub("[-+.]", "_")) if scheme_class then setmetatable(self, scheme_class) if self._port and self._port == self:default_port() then self._port = nil end -- Call the subclass 'init' method, if it has its own. if scheme_class ~= M and self.init ~= M.init then return self:init() end end return self end function M.default_port () return nil end function M.is_relative () return false end function M.resolve () end -- only does anything in uri._relative -- TODO - there should probably be an option or something allowing you to -- choose between making a link relative whenever possible (always using a -- relative path if the scheme and authority are the same as the base URI) or -- just using a relative reference to make the link as small as possible, which -- might meaning using a path of '/' instead if '../../../' or whatever. -- This method's algorithm is loosely based on the one described here: -- http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/uri/2007Sep/0003.html function M.relativize (self, base) if type(base) == "string" then base = assert(M:new(base)) end -- Leave it alone if we can't a relative URI, or if it would be a network -- path reference. if self._scheme ~= base._scheme or self._host ~= base._host or self._port ~= base._port or self._userinfo ~= base._userinfo then return end local basepath = base._path local oldpath = self._path -- This is to avoid trying to make a URN or something relative, which -- is likely to lead to grief. if not basepath:find("^/") or not oldpath:find("^/") then return end -- Turn it into a relative reference. self._uri = nil self._scheme = nil self._host = nil self._port = nil self._userinfo = nil setmetatable(self, require "uri._relative") -- Use empty path if the path in the base URI is already correct. if oldpath == basepath then if self._query or not base._query then self._path = "" else -- An empty URI reference leaves the query string in the base URI -- unchanged, so to get a result with no query part we have to -- have something in the relative path. local _, _, lastseg = oldpath:find("/([^/]+)$") if lastseg and lastseg:find(":") then lastseg = "./" .. lastseg end self._path = lastseg or "." end return end if oldpath == "/" or basepath == "/" then return end local basesegs = Util.split("/", basepath:sub(2)) local oldsegs = Util.split("/", oldpath:sub(2)) if oldsegs[1] ~= basesegs[1] then return end table.remove(basesegs) while #oldsegs > 1 and #basesegs > 0 and oldsegs[1] == basesegs[1] do table.remove(oldsegs, 1) table.remove(basesegs, 1) end local path_naked = true local newpath = "" while #basesegs > 0 do table.remove(basesegs, 1) newpath = newpath .. "../" path_naked = false end if path_naked and #oldsegs == 1 and oldsegs[1] == "" then newpath = "./" table.remove(oldsegs) end while #oldsegs > 0 do if path_naked then if oldsegs[1]:find(":") then newpath = newpath .. "./" elseif #oldsegs > 1 and oldsegs[1] == "" and oldsegs[2] == "" then newpath = newpath .. "/." end end newpath = newpath .. oldsegs[1] path_naked = false table.remove(oldsegs, 1) if #oldsegs > 0 then newpath = newpath .. "/" end end self._path = newpath end return M -- vi:ts=4 sw=4 expandtab