/* $Id: cdb_find.c,v 1.8 2003/11/03 16:42:41 mjt Exp $ * cdb_find routine * * This file is a part of tinycdb package by Michael Tokarev, mjt@corpit.ru. * Public domain. */ #include "cdb_int.h" int cdb_find(struct cdb *cdbp, const void *key, unsigned klen) { const unsigned char *htp; /* hash table pointer */ const unsigned char *htab; /* hash table */ const unsigned char *htend; /* end of hash table */ unsigned httodo; /* ht bytes left to look */ unsigned pos, n; unsigned hval; if (klen >= cdbp->cdb_dend) /* if key size is too large */ return 0; hval = cdb_hash(key, klen); /* find (pos,n) hash table to use */ /* first 2048 bytes (toc) are always available */ /* (hval % 256) * 8 */ htp = cdbp->cdb_mem + ((hval << 3) & 2047); /* index in toc (256x8) */ n = cdb_unpack(htp + 4); /* table size */ if (!n) /* empty table */ return 0; /* not found */ httodo = n << 3; /* bytes of htab to lookup */ pos = cdb_unpack(htp); /* htab position */ if (n > (cdbp->cdb_fsize >> 3) /* overflow of httodo ? */ || pos < cdbp->cdb_dend /* is htab inside data section ? */ || pos > cdbp->cdb_fsize /* htab start within file ? */ || httodo > cdbp->cdb_fsize - pos) /* entrie htab within file ? */ return errno = EPROTO, -1; htab = cdbp->cdb_mem + pos; /* htab pointer */ htend = htab + httodo; /* after end of htab */ /* htab starting position: rest of hval modulo htsize, 8bytes per elt */ htp = htab + (((hval >> 8) % n) << 3); for(;;) { pos = cdb_unpack(htp + 4); /* record position */ if (!pos) return 0; if (cdb_unpack(htp) == hval) { if (pos > cdbp->cdb_dend - 8) /* key+val lengths */ return errno = EPROTO, -1; if (cdb_unpack(cdbp->cdb_mem + pos) == klen) { if (cdbp->cdb_dend - klen < pos + 8) return errno = EPROTO, -1; if (memcmp(key, cdbp->cdb_mem + pos + 8, klen) == 0) { n = cdb_unpack(cdbp->cdb_mem + pos + 4); pos += 8; if (cdbp->cdb_dend < n || cdbp->cdb_dend - n < pos + klen) return errno = EPROTO, -1; cdbp->cdb_kpos = pos; cdbp->cdb_klen = klen; cdbp->cdb_vpos = pos + klen; cdbp->cdb_vlen = n; return 1; } } } httodo -= 8; if (!httodo) return 0; if ((htp += 8) >= htend) htp = htab; } }