require("lunit") discount = require("discount") module("test discount", lunit.testcase, package.seeall) function test_basic_conversion() assert_equal("

Hello World.

\n", discount("Hello World.")) end function test_relaxed_emphasis() assert_equal("

Hello World!

\n", discount("_Hello World_!")) assert_equal("

under_score this_stuff

\n", discount("under_score this_stuff")) local input = "_start _ foo_bar bar_baz _ end_ *italic* **bold** _blah_" local expected_out = "

start _ foo_bar bar_baz _ end italic bold blah

\n" assert_equal(expected_out, discount(input)) end function test_nolinks() assert_equal("


\n", discount("[example](", "nolinks")) assert_equal('

<a href="">example

\n', discount('example', "nolinks")) end function test_noimages() assert_equal("


\n", discount("![example](example.png)", "noimages")) assert_equal('

<img src="example.png"/>

\n', discount('', "noimages")) end function test_nopants() assert_equal('


\n', discount('"quote"')) assert_equal('


\n', discount('"quote"', "nopants")) end function test_nohtml() local expected = "

This should <em>not</em> be allowed

\n" assert_equal(expected, discount("This should not be allowed", "nohtml")) end function test_cdata() assert_equal("<p>foo</p>\n", discount("foo", "cdata")) end