/* markdown: a C implementation of John Gruber's Markdown markup language. * * Copyright (C) 2007 David L Parsons. * The redistribution terms are provided in the COPYRIGHT file that must * be distributed with this source code. */ #include #include "markdown.h" #include "cstring.h" #include "amalloc.h" struct frame { int indent; char c; }; typedef STRING(struct frame) Stack; static char * Pptype(int typ) { switch (typ) { case WHITESPACE: return "whitespace"; case CODE : return "code"; case QUOTE : return "quote"; case MARKUP : return "markup"; case HTML : return "html"; case DL : return "dl"; case UL : return "ul"; case OL : return "ol"; case LISTITEM : return "item"; case HDR : return "header"; case HR : return "HR"; default : return "mystery node!"; } } static void pushpfx(int indent, char c, Stack *sp) { struct frame *q = &EXPAND(*sp); q->indent = indent; q->c = c; } static void poppfx(Stack *sp) { S(*sp)--; } static void changepfx(Stack *sp, char c) { char ch; if ( !S(*sp) ) return; ch = T(*sp)[S(*sp)-1].c; if ( ch == '+' || ch == '|' ) T(*sp)[S(*sp)-1].c = c; } static void printpfx(Stack *sp, FILE *f) { int i; char c; if ( !S(*sp) ) return; c = T(*sp)[S(*sp)-1].c; if ( c == '+' || c == '-' ) { fprintf(f, "--%c", c); T(*sp)[S(*sp)-1].c = (c == '-') ? ' ' : '|'; } else for ( i=0; i < S(*sp); i++ ) { if ( i ) fprintf(f, " "); fprintf(f, "%*s%c", T(*sp)[i].indent + 2, " ", T(*sp)[i].c); if ( T(*sp)[i].c == '`' ) T(*sp)[i].c = ' '; } fprintf(f, "--"); } static void dumptree(Paragraph *pp, Stack *sp, FILE *f) { int count; Line *p; int d; static char *Begin[] = { 0, "P", "center" }; while ( pp ) { if ( !pp->next ) changepfx(sp, '`'); printpfx(sp, f); d = fprintf(f, "[%s", Pptype(pp->typ)); if ( pp->align ) d += fprintf(f, ", <%s>", Begin[pp->align]); for (count=0, p=pp->text; p; ++count, (p = p->next) ) ; if ( count ) d += fprintf(f, ", %d line%s", count, (count==1)?"":"s"); d += fprintf(f, "]"); if ( pp->down ) { pushpfx(d, pp->down->next ? '+' : '-', sp); dumptree(pp->down, sp, f); poppfx(sp); } else fputc('\n', f); pp = pp->next; } } int mkd_dump(Document *doc, FILE *out, int flags, char *title) { Stack stack; if (mkd_compile(doc, flags) ) { CREATE(stack); pushpfx(fprintf(out, "%s", title), doc->code->next ? '+' : '-', &stack); dumptree(doc->code, &stack, out); DELETE(stack); mkd_cleanup(doc); return 0; } return -1; }