--[[-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Author: Michael Roth Copyright (c) 2004, 2005 Michael Roth Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. --]]-------------------------------------------------------------------------- require "lsqlite3" require "lunit" lunit.setprivfenv() lunit.import "assertions" lunit.import "checks" ------------------------------- -- Basic open and close test -- ------------------------------- lunit.wrap("open_memory", function() local db = assert_userdata( sqlite3.open_memory() ) assert( db:close() ) end) lunit.wrap("open", function() local filename = "/tmp/__lua-sqlite3-20040906135849." .. os.time() local db = assert_userdata( sqlite3.open(filename) ) assert( db:close() ) os.remove(filename) end) ------------------------------------- -- Presence of db member functions -- ------------------------------------- local db_funcs = lunit.TestCase("Database Member Functions") function db_funcs:setup() self.db = assert( sqlite3.open_memory() ) end function db_funcs:teardown() assert( self.db:close() ) end function db_funcs:test() local db = self.db assert_function( db.close ) assert_function( db.exec ) --e assert_function( db.irows ) assert_function( db.rows ) --e assert_function( db.cols ) --e assert_function( db.first_irow ) --e assert_function( db.first_row ) --e assert_function( db.first_cols ) assert_function( db.prepare ) assert_function( db.interrupt ) assert_function( db.last_insert_rowid ) assert_function( db.changes ) assert_function( db.total_changes ) end --------------------------------------- -- Presence of stmt member functions -- --------------------------------------- local stmt_funcs = lunit.TestCase("Statement Member Functions") function stmt_funcs:setup() self.db = assert( sqlite3.open_memory() ) self.stmt = assert( self.db:prepare("CREATE TABLE test (id, content)") ) end function stmt_funcs:teardown() --e- assert( self.stmt:close() ) assert( self.stmt:finalize() ) --e+ assert( self.db:close() ) end function stmt_funcs:test() local stmt = self.stmt --e assert_function( stmt.close ) assert_function( stmt.reset ) --e assert_function( stmt.exec ) assert_function( stmt.bind ) --e assert_function( stmt.irows ) --e assert_function( stmt.rows ) --e assert_function( stmt.cols ) --e assert_function( stmt.first_irow ) --e assert_function( stmt.first_row ) --e assert_function( stmt.first_cols ) --e assert_function( stmt.column_names ) --e assert_function( stmt.column_decltypes ) --e assert_function( stmt.column_count ) --e + assert_function( stmt.isopen ) assert_function( stmt.step ) assert_function( stmt.reset ) assert_function( stmt.finalize ) assert_function( stmt.columns ) assert_function( stmt.bind ) assert_function( stmt.bind_values ) assert_function( stmt.bind_names ) assert_function( stmt.bind_blob ) assert_function( stmt.bind_parameter_count ) assert_function( stmt.bind_parameter_name ) assert_function( stmt.get_value ) assert_function( stmt.get_values ) assert_function( stmt.get_name ) assert_function( stmt.get_names ) assert_function( stmt.get_type ) assert_function( stmt.get_types ) assert_function( stmt.get_uvalues ) assert_function( stmt.get_unames ) assert_function( stmt.get_utypes ) assert_function( stmt.get_named_values ) assert_function( stmt.get_named_types ) assert_function( stmt.idata ) assert_function( stmt.inames ) assert_function( stmt.itypes ) assert_function( stmt.data ) assert_function( stmt.type ) --e + end ------------------ -- Tests basics -- ------------------ local basics = lunit.TestCase("Basics") function basics:setup() self.db = assert_userdata( sqlite3.open_memory() ) end function basics:teardown() assert_number( self.db:close() ) end function basics:create_table() assert_number( self.db:exec("CREATE TABLE test (id, name)") ) end function basics:drop_table() assert_number( self.db:exec("DROP TABLE test") ) end function basics:insert(id, name) assert_number( self.db:exec("INSERT INTO test VALUES ("..id..", '"..name.."')") ) end function basics:update(id, name) assert_number( self.db:exec("UPDATE test SET name = '"..name.."' WHERE id = "..id) ) end function basics:test_create_drop() self:create_table() self:drop_table() end function basics:test_multi_create_drop() self:create_table() self:drop_table() self:create_table() self:drop_table() end function basics:test_insert() self:create_table() self:insert(1, "Hello World") self:insert(2, "Hello Lua") self:insert(3, "Hello sqlite3") end function basics:test_update() self:create_table() self:insert(1, "Hello Home") self:insert(2, "Hello Lua") self:update(1, "Hello World") end --------------------------------- -- Statement Column Info Tests -- --------------------------------- lunit.wrap("Column Info Test", function() local db = assert_userdata( sqlite3.open_memory() ) assert_number( db:exec("CREATE TABLE test (id INTEGER, name TEXT)") ) local stmt = assert_userdata( db:prepare("SELECT * FROM test") ) assert_equal(2, stmt:columns(), "Wrong number of columns." ) local names = assert_table( stmt:get_names() ) assert_equal(2, #(names), "Wrong number of names.") assert_equal("id", names[1] ) assert_equal("name", names[2] ) local types = assert_table( stmt:get_types() ) assert_equal(2, #(types), "Wrong number of declaration types.") assert_equal("INTEGER", types[1] ) assert_equal("TEXT", types[2] ) assert_equal( sqlite3.OK, stmt:finalize() ) assert_equal( sqlite3.OK, db:close() ) end) --------------------- -- Statement Tests -- --------------------- st = lunit.TestCase("Statement Tests") function st:setup() self.db = assert( sqlite3.open_memory() ) assert_equal( sqlite3.OK, self.db:exec("CREATE TABLE test (id, name)") ) assert_equal( sqlite3.OK, self.db:exec("INSERT INTO test VALUES (1, 'Hello World')") ) assert_equal( sqlite3.OK, self.db:exec("INSERT INTO test VALUES (2, 'Hello Lua')") ) assert_equal( sqlite3.OK, self.db:exec("INSERT INTO test VALUES (3, 'Hello sqlite3')") ) end function st:teardown() assert_equal( sqlite3.OK, self.db:close() ) end function st:check_content(expected) local stmt = assert( self.db:prepare("SELECT * FROM test ORDER BY id") ) local i = 0 for row in stmt:rows() do i = i + 1 assert( i <= #(expected), "Too many rows." ) assert_equal(2, #(row), "Two result column expected.") assert_equal(i, row[1], "Wrong 'id'.") assert_equal(expected[i], row[2], "Wrong 'name'.") end assert_equal( #(expected), i, "Too few rows." ) assert_number( stmt:finalize() ) end function st:test_setup() assert_pass(function() self:check_content{ "Hello World", "Hello Lua", "Hello sqlite3" } end) assert_error(function() self:check_content{ "Hello World", "Hello Lua" } end) assert_error(function() self:check_content{ "Hello World", "Hello Lua", "Hello sqlite3", "To much" } end) assert_error(function() self:check_content{ "Hello World", "Hello Lua", "Wrong" } end) assert_error(function() self:check_content{ "Hello World", "Wrong", "Hello sqlite3" } end) assert_error(function() self:check_content{ "Wrong", "Hello Lua", "Hello sqlite3" } end) end function st:test_questionmark_args() local stmt = assert_userdata( self.db:prepare("INSERT INTO test VALUES (?, ?)") ) assert_number( stmt:bind_values(0, "Test") ) assert_error(function() stmt:bind_values("To few") end) assert_error(function() stmt:bind_values(0, "Test", "To many") end) end function st:test_questionmark() local stmt = assert_userdata( self.db:prepare("INSERT INTO test VALUES (?, ?)") ) assert_number( stmt:bind_values(4, "Good morning") ) assert_number( stmt:step() ) assert_number( stmt:reset() ) self:check_content{ "Hello World", "Hello Lua", "Hello sqlite3", "Good morning" } assert_number( stmt:bind_values(5, "Foo Bar") ) assert_number( stmt:step() ) assert_number( stmt:reset() ) self:check_content{ "Hello World", "Hello Lua", "Hello sqlite3", "Good morning", "Foo Bar" } assert_number( stmt:finalize() ) end --[===[ function st:test_questionmark_multi() local stmt = assert_userdata( self.db:prepare([[ INSERT INTO test VALUES (?, ?); INSERT INTO test VALUES (?, ?) ]])) assert( stmt:bind_values(5, "Foo Bar", 4, "Good morning") ) assert_number( stmt:step() ) assert_number( stmt:reset() ) self:check_content{ "Hello World", "Hello Lua", "Hello sqlite3", "Good morning", "Foo Bar" } assert_number( stmt:finalize() ) end ]===] function st:test_identifiers() local stmt = assert_userdata( self.db:prepare("INSERT INTO test VALUES (:id, :name)") ) assert_number( stmt:bind_values(4, "Good morning") ) assert_number( stmt:step() ) assert_number( stmt:reset() ) self:check_content{ "Hello World", "Hello Lua", "Hello sqlite3", "Good morning" } assert_number( stmt:bind_values(5, "Foo Bar") ) assert_number( stmt:step() ) assert_number( stmt:reset() ) self:check_content{ "Hello World", "Hello Lua", "Hello sqlite3", "Good morning", "Foo Bar" } assert_number( stmt:finalize() ) end --[===[ function st:test_identifiers_multi() local stmt = assert_table( self.db:prepare([[ INSERT INTO test VALUES (:id1, :name1); INSERT INTO test VALUES (:id2, :name2) ]])) assert( stmt:bind_values(5, "Foo Bar", 4, "Good morning") ) assert( stmt:exec() ) self:check_content{ "Hello World", "Hello Lua", "Hello sqlite3", "Good morning", "Foo Bar" } end ]===] function st:test_identifiers_names() --local stmt = assert_userdata( self.db:prepare({"name", "id"}, "INSERT INTO test VALUES (:id, $name)") ) local stmt = assert_userdata( self.db:prepare("INSERT INTO test VALUES (:id, $name)") ) assert_number( stmt:bind_names({name="Good morning", id=4}) ) assert_number( stmt:step() ) assert_number( stmt:reset() ) self:check_content{ "Hello World", "Hello Lua", "Hello sqlite3", "Good morning" } assert_number( stmt:bind_names({name="Foo Bar", id=5}) ) assert_number( stmt:step() ) assert_number( stmt:reset() ) self:check_content{ "Hello World", "Hello Lua", "Hello sqlite3", "Good morning", "Foo Bar" } assert_number( stmt:finalize() ) end --[===[ function st:test_identifiers_multi_names() local stmt = assert_table( self.db:prepare( {"name", "id1", "id2"},[[ INSERT INTO test VALUES (:id1, $name); INSERT INTO test VALUES ($id2, :name) ]])) assert( stmt:bind_values("Hoho", 4, 5) ) assert( stmt:exec() ) self:check_content{ "Hello World", "Hello Lua", "Hello sqlite3", "Hoho", "Hoho" } end ]===] function st:test_colon_identifiers_names() local stmt = assert_userdata( self.db:prepare("INSERT INTO test VALUES (:id, :name)") ) assert_number( stmt:bind_names({name="Good morning", id=4}) ) assert_number( stmt:step() ) assert_number( stmt:reset() ) self:check_content{ "Hello World", "Hello Lua", "Hello sqlite3", "Good morning" } assert_number( stmt:bind_names({name="Foo Bar", id=5}) ) assert_number( stmt:step() ) assert_number( stmt:reset() ) self:check_content{ "Hello World", "Hello Lua", "Hello sqlite3", "Good morning", "Foo Bar" } assert_number( stmt:finalize() ) end --[===[ function st:test_colon_identifiers_multi_names() local stmt = assert_table( self.db:prepare( {":name", ":id1", ":id2"},[[ INSERT INTO test VALUES (:id1, $name); INSERT INTO test VALUES ($id2, :name) ]])) assert( stmt:bind_values("Hoho", 4, 5) ) assert( stmt:exec() ) self:check_content{ "Hello World", "Hello Lua", "Hello sqlite3", "Hoho", "Hoho" } end function st:test_dollar_identifiers_names() local stmt = assert_table( self.db:prepare({"$name", "$id"}, "INSERT INTO test VALUES (:id, $name)") ) assert_table( stmt:bind_values("Good morning", 4) ) assert_table( stmt:exec() ) self:check_content{ "Hello World", "Hello Lua", "Hello sqlite3", "Good morning" } assert_table( stmt:bind_values("Foo Bar", 5) ) assert_table( stmt:exec() ) self:check_content{ "Hello World", "Hello Lua", "Hello sqlite3", "Good morning", "Foo Bar" } end function st:test_dollar_identifiers_multi_names() local stmt = assert_table( self.db:prepare( {"$name", "$id1", "$id2"},[[ INSERT INTO test VALUES (:id1, $name); INSERT INTO test VALUES ($id2, :name) ]])) assert( stmt:bind_values("Hoho", 4, 5) ) assert( stmt:exec() ) self:check_content{ "Hello World", "Hello Lua", "Hello sqlite3", "Hoho", "Hoho" } end ]===] function st:test_bind_by_names() local stmt = assert_userdata( self.db:prepare("INSERT INTO test VALUES (:id, :name)") ) local args = { } args.id = 5 args.name = "Hello girls" assert( stmt:bind_names(args) ) assert_number( stmt:step() ) assert_number( stmt:reset() ) args.id = 4 args.name = "Hello boys" assert( stmt:bind_names(args) ) assert_number( stmt:step() ) assert_number( stmt:reset() ) self:check_content{ "Hello World", "Hello Lua", "Hello sqlite3", "Hello boys", "Hello girls" } assert_number( stmt:finalize() ) end -------------------------------- -- Tests binding of arguments -- -------------------------------- b = lunit.TestCase("Binding Tests") function b:setup() self.db = assert( sqlite3.open_memory() ) assert_number( self.db:exec("CREATE TABLE test (id, name, u, v, w, x, y, z)") ) end function b:teardown() assert_number( self.db:close() ) end function b:test_auto_parameter_names() local stmt = assert_userdata( self.db:prepare("INSERT INTO test VALUES(:a, $b, :a2, :b2, $a, :b, $a3, $b3)") ) local parameters = assert_number( stmt:bind_parameter_count() ) assert_equal( 8, parameters ) assert_equal( ":a", stmt:bind_parameter_name(1) ) assert_equal( "$b", stmt:bind_parameter_name(2) ) assert_equal( ":a2", stmt:bind_parameter_name(3) ) assert_equal( ":b2", stmt:bind_parameter_name(4) ) assert_equal( "$a", stmt:bind_parameter_name(5) ) assert_equal( ":b", stmt:bind_parameter_name(6) ) assert_equal( "$a3", stmt:bind_parameter_name(7) ) assert_equal( "$b3", stmt:bind_parameter_name(8) ) end function b:test_auto_parameter_names() local stmt = assert_userdata( self.db:prepare("INSERT INTO test VALUES($a, $b, $a2, $b2, $a, $b, $a3, $b3)") ) local parameters = assert_number( stmt:bind_parameter_count() ) assert_equal( 6, parameters ) assert_equal( "$a", stmt:bind_parameter_name(1) ) assert_equal( "$b", stmt:bind_parameter_name(2) ) assert_equal( "$a2", stmt:bind_parameter_name(3) ) assert_equal( "$b2", stmt:bind_parameter_name(4) ) assert_equal( "$a3", stmt:bind_parameter_name(5) ) assert_equal( "$b3", stmt:bind_parameter_name(6) ) end function b:test_no_parameter_names_1() local stmt = assert_userdata( self.db:prepare([[ SELECT * FROM test ]])) local parameters = assert_number( stmt:bind_parameter_count() ) assert_equal( 0, (parameters) ) end function b:test_no_parameter_names_2() local stmt = assert_userdata( self.db:prepare([[ INSERT INTO test VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) ]])) local parameters = assert_number( stmt:bind_parameter_count() ) assert_equal( 8, (parameters) ) assert_nil( stmt:bind_parameter_name(1) ) end -------------------------------------------- -- Tests loop break and statement reusage -- -------------------------------------------- ---------------------------- -- Test for bugs reported -- ---------------------------- bug = lunit.TestCase("Bug-Report Tests") function bug:setup() self.db = assert( sqlite3.open_memory() ) end function bug:teardown() assert_number( self.db:close() ) end --[===[ function bug:test_1() self.db:exec("CREATE TABLE test (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, value TEXT)") local query = assert_userdata( self.db:prepare("SELECT id FROM test WHERE value=?") ) assert_table ( query:bind_values("1") ) assert_nil ( query:first_cols() ) assert_table ( query:bind_values("2") ) assert_nil ( query:first_cols() ) end ]===] function bug:test_nils() -- appeared in lua-5.1 (holes in arrays) local function check(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5) assert_equal(1, arg1) assert_equal(2, arg2) assert_nil(arg3) assert_equal(4, arg4) assert_nil(arg5) end self.db:create_function("test_nils", 5, function(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5) check(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5) end, {}) assert_number( self.db:exec([[ SELECT test_nils(1, 2, NULL, 4, NULL) ]]) ) for arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5 in self.db:urows([[ SELECT 1, 2, NULL, 4, NULL ]]) do check(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5) end for row in self.db:rows([[ SELECT 1, 2, NULL, 4, NULL ]]) do assert_table( row ) check(row[1], row[2], row[3], row[4], row[5]) end end ---------------------------- -- Test for collation fun -- ---------------------------- colla = lunit.TestCase("Collation Tests") function colla:setup() local function collate(s1,s2) -- if p then print("collation callback: ",s1,s2) end s1=s1:lower() s2=s2:lower() if s1==s2 then return 0 elseif s1