require "lxpevent" --function makelazy(evts) local tinsert=table.insert local tremove=table.remove local Public = {} lazytree=Public local function parseevents(evts) local treestack = {n=0} local depth = 0 local makelazy local getnextlazy local finishlazy -- If at the end of a tree, return false -- If not, returns true and any child node found function getnextlazy(lz) local evt, data, attr = evts:peeknext() local offset = lz._read_so_far + 1 --[[']] if evt == "chardata" then lz[offset] = data lz._read_so_far = offset evts:consumenext() evt, data = evts:peeknext() while evt == "chardata" do evts:consumenext() lz[offset] = lz[offset] evt, data = evts:peeknext() end return true, nil elseif evt == "start" then local childtree = makelazy(evts) lz[offset] = childtree lz._read_so_far = offset return true, childtree elseif evt == "end" then lz.n = lz._read_so_far lz._read_so_far = nil treestack[depth] = nil depth = depth - 1 evts:getnext() return false else error("unknown event "..evt) end end function finishlazy(lz, limit) -- if rawget(lz, "n") then print("busted") return end -- you don't have an XML file this big, do you? -- actually you'd run out of lua_number precision before you got there limit = limit or 1e99 -- If "n" is present, we're already read everything there is if rawget(lz, "n") then return end if lz._read_so_far >= limit then return end if depth > lz._depth then -- we're off in the children of a previous tree -- pop up back to this level -- print("recursing ", lz._depth) finishlazy(treestack[lz._depth+1]) end while lz._read_so_far < limit and not rawget(lz, "n") do local still_going, child = getnextlazy(lz, evts) if not still_going then break end if child then if lz._read_so_far == limit then -- do nothing. we already have a lazy tree, which is good enough else finishlazy(child) end end end end local get_child function get_child(lz, i) if rawget(lz, "n") then return rawget(lz, i) elseif i <= lz._read_so_far then -- print("here") return l[i] end -- print("gln", lz, i) finishlazy(lz, i) return rawget(lz, i) end local lazy_indexmethod function lazy_indexmethod(t, k) if k == "n" then -- sigh, we have to finish to get this finishlazy(t) return rawget(t, "n") elseif k == "attr" then -- we're lazily creating empty attr tables... -- this is an attempt to keep most trees from having a unique -- empty attribute table. local attr = {} rawset(t, "attr", attr) return attr elseif type(k) == "number" then return get_child(t, k) end return nil end local metatable = {} metatable.__index = lazy_indexmethod -- forward declared local makelazy function makelazy() local evt, data, attr = evts:getnext() if evt ~= "start" then error("expecting start tree") end local lazytree = {} = data if attr and attr[1] then lazytree.attr = attr end lazytree._read_so_far = 0 depth = depth + 1 lazytree._depth = depth treestack[depth] = lazytree setmetatable(lazytree, metatable) return lazytree end return makelazy(evts) end Public.parseevents = parseevents local function parsefile(f) local evts = lxpevent.parsefile(f) return parseevents(evts) end Public.parsefile = parsefile local function parsestring(s) local evts = lxpevent.parsestring(s) return parseevents(evts) end Public.parsestring = parsestring local function lazyprint(lz, depth, header) depth = depth or 0 local prefix = header or string.rep(" ", depth) local finished = "" if rawget(lz, "n") then finished = " DONE" end local read = "" if lz._read_so_far then read = " read:"..lz._read_so_far end print(prefix.."<" local consumed = lz._consumed local limit=1e99 if rawget(lz, "n") then limit = rawget(lz, "n") elseif lz._read_so_far then limit = lz._read_so_far end for i = 1,limit do local elt = rawget(lz, i) local numpre = " "..i..":" if not elt then if not consumed then break end print(prefix..numpre.."consumed") elseif type(elt) == "string" then local s = string.gsub(elt, "\\", "\\\\") s = string.gsub(elt, "\n", "\\n") print(prefix..numpre.." str: |"..s.."|") else lazyprint(elt, depth + 2, prefix..numpre) end end end Public.print = lazyprint local function load(lz) local n = lz.n end Public.load = load local function consume_completed(lz, n) for i=1,n do local elt = lz[i] lz[i] = nil if type(elt) == "table" then consume(lz) end end end --[[ Here is the situation where consume() is necessary: My Title [a zillion bytes of mixed content] xmliter.switch_c(doc, { title=function (title) print(xtext(title)) end } We don't want the enormous bodytext tree to be fully loaded into memory just to be ignored. So we walk that tree, carefully loading and then ignoring its content. ' ]] local function consume(lz) if type(lz) ~= table then return end lz._consumed = true local start = rawget(lz, "_read_so_far") if not start then return end -- This isn't necessary; the garbage collector will do this for us -- if rawget(lz, "n") then return consume_completed(lz, n) end -- We start one element after current position. Potentially, somebody -- could have saved a reference to something in our current tree. for i=start+1,1e99 do local elt = lz[i] if not elt then break end lz[i] = nil if type(elt) == "table" then consume(elt) end end end -- local function consume(lz) -- end Public.consume = consume return Public