CHANGES: CHANGE X: CHANGE 12 (bug fix on Windows, 2.0.3) AKa 25-Jan-2009: Did CHANGE 9 the way it should be done. CHANGE 11 (new feature, 2.0.3) AKa 23-Jan-2009: Finalizers ('set_finalizer()') for being able to do cleanup of a lane's resources, whether it returned succesfully or via an error. CHANGE 10 (new feature, 2.0.3) AKa 23-Jan-2009: Call stack showing where an error occurred is not merged with the error message, but delivered as a separate stack table ({ "filename:line" [, ...] }). Getting call stacks of errorred lanes is now possible. CHANGE 9 (bug fix on Windows) AKa 10-Dec-2008 (> 2.0.2): Applied patch from Kriss Daniels to avoid issues on 'now_time()' in Win32 ( CHANGE 8 (bug fix) AKa 26-Oct-2008: Avoids occasional segfault at process exit (on multicore CPUs). Does this by keeping track of "free running" threads (s.a. the time thread) and cancelling them at process exit. Tested (2.0.2) on Linux 64,x86, OS X, WinXP. CHANGE 7 (bug fix) AKa 15-Oct-2008: Recursive functions that use themselves as direct upvalue can now be passed to other lanes, and used as a lane function. CHANGE 6 (bug fix) AKa 15-Oct-2008: Added local caches of the following to src/lanes.lua (was otherwise getting errors at least in 'tests/irayo_recursive.lua'). local assert= assert local string_gmatch= assert( string.gmatch ) local select= assert( select ) local type= assert( type ) local pairs= assert( pairs ) local tostring= assert( tostring ) local error= assert( error ) local setmetatable= assert( setmetatable ) local rawget= assert( rawget ) Thanks to Irayo for detecting and reporting this. CHANGE 5 (new feature): Modifying Makefile so it's better suited to LuaRocks. CHANGE 4 (new feature): Metatable copying, allowing Lua objects to be copied across lanes. CHANGE 3 (bug fix) AKa 5-Aug-2008: The '__gc' method was not tied to thread userdata, at all. Caused memory lifespan problems at least on OS X when threads were cancelled (EINVAL). CHANGE 2 (bug fix) AKa 5-Aug-2008: Better calculation of timeouts, always making them absolute (even in Win32) to allow for events that wake the lane up but don't read/write the Linda key that it was observing. CHANGE 1 (bug fix) AKa 4-Aug-2008: Signalling woke up only one waiting thread, not all. This caused i.e. receive to not wake up if there was another thread waiting on the same Linda object. PThread fix: using 'pthread_cond_broadcast()' instead of 'pthread_cond_signal()' Win32 fix: using manual events and 'PulseEvent()' (end)