# Copyright (C) 2007-2009 LuaDist. # Created by Peter Kapec # Redistribution and use of this file is allowed according to the terms of the MIT license. # For details see the COPYRIGHT file distributed with LuaDist. # Please note that the package source code is licensed under its own license. PROJECT(dado NONE) # CMake configuration: CMAKE_MINIMUM_REQUIRED (VERSION 2.6) # Where to install module parts: SET (INSTALL_BIN bin CACHE PATH "Directory for Binaries and Launcher scripts.") SET (INSTALL_LMOD share/lua/lmod CACHE PATH "Directory to install Lua modules.") SET (INSTALL_DATA . CACHE PATH "Directory the package can store documentation, tests or other data in.") SET (INSTALL_DOC ${INSTALL_DATA}/doc CACHE PATH "Recommended directory to install documentation into.") SET (INSTALL_TEST ${INSTALL_DATA}/test CACHE PATH "Recommended directory to install tests into.") # Install all files and documentation INSTALL (DIRECTORY src/dado DESTINATION ${INSTALL_LMOD}) INSTALL (FILES src/check.lua DESTINATION ${INSTALL_LMOD}) INSTALL (FILES src/string.extra.lua DESTINATION ${INSTALL_LMOD}/string RENAME extra.lua) INSTALL (FILES src/table.extra.lua DESTINATION ${INSTALL_LMOD}/table RENAME extra.lua) INSTALL (FILES src/rm_check.lua DESTINATION ${INSTALL_BIN}) INSTALL (FILES README DESTINATION ${INSTALL_DATA}) INSTALL (DIRECTORY tests/ DESTINATION ${INSTALL_TEST}) INSTALL (DIRECTORY doc/ DESTINATION ${INSTALL_DOC})