package = 'Colors' versions = { {'8.05.26', 'May 26, 2008', 'added ability to create colors from RGB codes'}, {'8.03.08', 'March 8, 2008', 'updated petrodoc, no functional changes'}, {'8.02.23', 'Feb. 23, 2008', 'added Luadoc comments'}, {'8.02.03', 'Feb. 2, 2008', 'cleaned up for a stand-alone release'} } summary = 'HSL Color Theory Computation in Lua' maintainer = 'Yuri Takhteyev ' detailed = [[ Colors library provides methods to do color computation in HSL color space and for finding "harmonious" color palettes. ]] license = 'MIT/X11' homepage = '' favicon = '' download = '$version.tar.gz' push = "scp %s" logo = '' keywords = 'Lua, HSL' rss = homepage.."releases.rss" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- dependencies = "" Installation = [[ Colors consists of a single file (colors.lua) of slightly more than 100 lines, plus a test script (test.lua). Just put colors.lua somewhere in your Lua path. Here is a list of recent releases: You can also install it using LuaRocks with luarocks install colors or: luarocks --from= install colors ]] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Contact = [[ For more information please contact the author, [Yuri Takhteyev]( or write to the [Sputnik Mailing List]( Comments are welcome! ]] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOC = { { "Overview", "


" }, { "Installation", markdown(Installation) }, { "Using Colors", markdown(include("doc/")) }, { "Contact", markdown(Contact)}, { "LuaDoc", make_luadoc{"colors.lua"} }, { "License", markdown(include("LICENSE.txt")) } } -------------------------------------------------------------------------------